Legacy Solutions provides homeowners in Detroit, Michigan, with increased security and safety through expert video surveillance system installation. With our cameras and accompanying network, you and your family can feel safer and rest easy when you are out of town.
Professional Security Camera Installation in Detroit, Michigan

Why Do You Need Surveillance Systems?

Surveillance cameras and closed-circuit television camera systems provide an extra layer of protection between your property and would-be criminals. This protection takes two forms: deterrent and documentation.
Camera systems act as deterrents to criminals. Aside from having our expert employees install cameras, you can put up signs that indicate your property is under video surveillance. When would-be criminals see these signs and the video cameras, they’ll no doubt think twice before trying to break into your house.
The second level of protection is in documentation. Unlike a simple alarm system, which would only alert you of intruders, a camera system actually documents everything. Even if you are out of town for business or a vacation, you’ll have evidence of any trespasser or thief who breaks into your house. This will make it easier to recover any stolen property.
Thanks to Legacy Solutions, we can give you both these layers of protection with one surveillance system.
Standard Components of a Video
Surveillance System
You should know the standard components that make up a camera system. Although they are complex systems, you can boil down their basic components into the following:
The cameras, which can come in different varieties, depending on your needs. Some are better for indoor or outdoor usage.
The cable and wires connecting the cameras to power sources and data storage devices.
Network video recorders record images and videos from your security feed and saves them in your digital storage.
Hard drives are the usual storage devices for your security recordings. Depending on the quality of the video, you may need several hard drives to contain the information.
Contact Us Today
Legacy Solutions provides high-quality installation of such surveillance systems to give you the peace of mind you need to live comfortably and go on vacations with ease.
Book an appointment with us today.